Blacks Run Zen Center,
a Zen Buddhist meditation
center in Harrisonburg, VA
Our downtown Harrisonburg zendo is located half a block from Court Square at 71 E. Market St., near Gitchell's Camera building.
The zendo is tended by Myoku December "Dece" Lorimer, a monk in the Zen Buddhist tradition.
People of all religions or no religion are welcome.
Our zendo is open for zazen (sitting meditation) on:
- Monday and Wednesday from 12:15-12:45pm and 5:30-6:00pm
- Outdoor sits sometimes happen Friday from 12:15-12:45pm - please email for more details.
Newcomers are especially welcome. If you would like instruction, we are happy to provide it. There is no charge. If you have further questions please stop by the zendo, or email
us. Dece's easiest pronouns are they/them.
Blacks Run Zen Center da la bienvenida a todas las personas, de todas las nacionalidades, razas, clases, identidad / expresión de género, orientación sexual, edad, capacidad, condición de salud y religión.
Que todos los seres se den cuenta de su verdadera naturaleza. Que todos los seres desarrollen su propia naturaliza.
Blacks Run Zen Center welcomes all people, of every nationality, race, class, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, age, ability, health condition, and religion.
May all beings realize their true nature.
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